What is Bushcraft and how does it differ to Survival?

Survival in a Survival Situation is a Short Term Strategy, Bushcraft is a Way of Life, its Forever.

Bushcraft is about Surviving and Sur-Thriving in a Wilderness Environment through the acquisition of ancient skills and knowledge.

Bushcraft challenges us to acquire the knowledge and skills of our Forefathers and by doing so, we gain a greater understanding of our natural environment and its interrelationships and dependencies. With this comes a Responsibility and Duty to become the Custodians of this Knowledge as well as Gaurdians of the Wilderness areas.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Bushcraft or Survival?

Many times I get asked to differentiate between Bushcraft and Survival. In many respects, they are very similar but this is how I define the two:

1. Survival is where you find yourself in an unplanned situation.
A survival situation is short term with an objective of being rescued or rescuing yourself through the use of knowledge, skills and tools.

2. Bushcraft is where you plan to live in a natural environment.
 Bushcraft is long term with an objective of learning about your environment and where you use your skills, knowledge and tools to utilise resources to sustain you during that period.

Priorities for the Survivor and Bushcrafter will be very different. Learning Bushcraft will prepare you for Survival if the situation arises. Learning Survival will prepare you for Bushcraft if you make the decision to transition.

Bushcraft also entails the "re-learning" of the knowledge and skills of our ancestors and possibly more importantly, the passing of these on to the next generation.

Friday 25 November 2011

Introduction to Bushcraft Tools and Techniques

Hi, thank you for dropping by.

I will be publishing articles, tips, guides and equipment tests on this site to share with you what I hope is or will be a common interest and where we can also talk about our experiences, insights and technical knowledge and further explore the width and depth of Bushcraft, from the physical and spiritual aspects.

In this modern age where we have access to numerous resources and conveniences, we are losing the ability and skills of our forefathers. We often view the natural world as an alien and hostile environment and this prevents us from interacting with it because we fear it.

Even though there are many of us who venture into the "Wild", we do so with many conveniences such as expedition equiped vehicles or on organised and well marked hiking trails, not quite experiencing or understanding the environment in which we are in.

Only through a true interaction can we experience and only through true experience can we truely understand and when we truely understand we stop fearing.

So, if you are an experienced Bushcrafter, then hopefully we can share our experiences and insights.

If you are new to Bushcraft and would like to know and therefore understand more, then I hope I will be able to share experiences and knowledge with you and demistify the natural world and enhance your interaction.

Best regards