What is Bushcraft and how does it differ to Survival?

Survival in a Survival Situation is a Short Term Strategy, Bushcraft is a Way of Life, its Forever.

Bushcraft is about Surviving and Sur-Thriving in a Wilderness Environment through the acquisition of ancient skills and knowledge.

Bushcraft challenges us to acquire the knowledge and skills of our Forefathers and by doing so, we gain a greater understanding of our natural environment and its interrelationships and dependencies. With this comes a Responsibility and Duty to become the Custodians of this Knowledge as well as Gaurdians of the Wilderness areas.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Emergency Survival Kits

Purpose of an Emergency Survival Kit

The contents of the Emergency Survival Kit are not for using as part of your everyday Bushcraft kit and is essentially a back-up system that, for whatever reason, you get separated from your main equipment. You could be out setting or checking on a trap line when a stream that you crossed an hour before is now a raging torrent, cutting you off from your camp site and all of your equipment and supplies. By keeping this on you, you will have the rudimentary items required to get you through this scenario until you can return to your camp.

Make or Buy?

There are very good kits available on the market today and these vary in price. They all have basic items in them and I view these as good Starter Kits. Climatic Zones and Ecological Terrains vary around the world and resulting in a difference in the survival techniques and equipment required to survive in these areas. Any purchased survival kit can be added to to suit these requirements and all kits should have sufficient items to cater for the 5 Basics of Survival:

1. Water
2. Food
3. Fire
4. Shelter
5. Rescue

The kit should be compact enough to fit in a glove compartment in the instance of vehicle travel, attach to a belt or fit in a secure pocket. Note that I have left out putting it into a Rucksack pocket as this is not advised for travel on foot in case you and your pack part ways, such as in crossing a river. By having it on your belt or in a pocket, it is ALWAYS ON YOU.

The Kit in the photos can be assembled through some purchased items or from scrounged items around the home or workshop. This kit covers the 5 Basics and the main components are detailed below:

1. Water (You need to know where to find water and Knowledge is the most important component not in the kit)

The tin itself can be used for collecting water as well as boiling it up. There are waterpurification tablets in the small clear plastic tube in Pic 3

2. Food

The para-cord and snare wire can be used for trapping and snaring. There are 5 fishooks of various sizes as well as sinkers and 4meters of line in the clear plastic tube in pic 3. Fish hooks can be used for catching birds in more arid areas that dont support aquatic life.

3. Fire

A good fire lifts the spirits, boils your water, cooks your food, warms you and is an aid in signalling for rescue. There is one book of matches, a water tight red plastic tube which contains waterproof matches and a striking pad and a magnesium flint. use the flint first and keep the matches for a last resort especially with difficult tinder types

4. Shelter

A space blanket will keep you dry, warm and can be used for signalling as well as improving a natural shelter. Laid on the ground in snow and on a sunny day, snow can be melted on it. It can insulate you from the ground in cold environments.

5. Rescue

A folding signal mirror, the means to make fires and the space blanket are all useable for signalling. A compass is also in the kit should you need to carry out your own rescue.

Other usefull items:

In my kit I have added a couple of useful items which have multi-purpose functions:
  • A nail which can be used in trapping or as an awl
  • Some duct tape for repairs to clothes, shoes and kit
  • Band-aid dressing in various sizes
  • Steri-wipes
  • Some parrafin impregnated fire cubes
  • A razor blade
  • Cotton thread
  • A large darning needle
  • 2 small normal needles
  • Safet pins, 2 of in different sizes
  • Some additional cordage
To summarise:

The main considerations for an Emergency Survival Kit are:

1. It should contain items that are suited to the Ecological Territory you will be in
2. It should have items that cover the 5 Basics of Emergency Survival
3. The items should have more than one function
4. It must be on securely on your person at all times and you should never be seperated from it
5. If you do have to delve into it at any time other than in an Emergency, always replace the items immediately and when you can

So, if you dont have one already, now is the time to purchase a basic kit and add to it or to start building your own from scratch. You never know when you may need it.


  1. Very cool Sean. Nice kit and ingredients. Definitely handy for survival and bushcrafting. 5 Stars!

    Iowa Prepper

  2. Hello Bush Ranger,
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    you make good posts about bushcraft tips. Can I use some topics and share on my facebook?
    Thank you
